Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 9 "Giver" Information

1. Reading 
-Please read Chapters 10 and 11.

2. Discussion Topics

Topic 1: Story Review for New Students (up until Chapter 11)
Who are the characters? What is the setting? What has happened in the story? Where are we right now in the story?

Topic 2: Jonas' First Day on Assignment
Describe The Giver. Describe Jonas' first encounter with The Giver. What happened during Jonas' first day? How is Jonas now different from other people in the community?  How does Jonas' initial (first) encounter with The Giver change your perspective on the community?

Topic 3: Your "Giver" Word--Intelligence, Integrity, Courage, and Wisdom
Be prepared to describe what your word means (general definition).

3. Practice Quizzes (note that you do not need to read chapter 12 until next week)

Quiz for Chapters 8-10

Quiz for Chapters 11-12

4. Sample Quiz Responses to Week 7 Giver Quiz (Quiz #3)
-Here are two strong, relevant responses to question #2. Please look over these responses and note that the authors use the first person (I, my) to describe the feelings/perspective of the character that they chose. On future quizzes, you will be expected to do the same.

The Question
Imagine you are the character who you pretended to be before, or choose a new character. Again, pretend YOU ARE that character and describe how you your feelings have changed (or stayed the same).  What is your perspective on everything that is happening? Write as many details as you can about your view right now in the story.  

Student A Response: 

I'm scared I wasn't call for my training.  I can hear that everyone are whispering about me.  Now, I'm called to the stage, she told me that I will be Receiver, I was selected for this.  I'm keeping scared i don't know what is the meaning of this, but I can understand it's a big responsibility, but I don't know if I am prepared for this.  Maybe they are wrong, I feel embarrassed to disappoint them.

Student B Response:

I'm Jonas, I was amazed because the Chief Elder and the Receiver chose me to be the next receiver and I wasn't expect that, so I hope I will change this community to the best.  But I'm afraid of the hard work I will face because that will prevent me from my family and my friends.  In the end, I'm excited to meet the receiver who choose me.

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